4 BC
Jesus is BornAD 8
Jesus in TempleAD 26
Jesus BaptizedJesus Tempted by Satan
Jesus' first miracle
AD 27
Jesus and NicodemusJesus talks to the Samaratan Woman
Jesus heals the nobleman's son
The fishermen follow Jesus
Matthew decides to follow Jesus

AD 28
Jesus chooses his 12 disciplesJesus preaches the sermon on the mount
Jesus travels through Galilee
Jesus tells parables about the kingdom
Jairus' daughter returned to live by Jesus
Jesus sends his disciples to preach and heal
John the Baptist is killed by Herod
Spring AD 29
Jesus feeds 5,000 menJesus walks on water
Fall AD 29
Jesus feeds 4,000 menJesus predicts His death
Jesus is transfigured
Jesus pays His temple tax
October AD 29
Jesus attends the feast of the tabernaclesWinter AD 29
Jesus returns Lazarus to lifeSunday AD 30
The Triumphal entryMonday AD 30
Jesus cleanses the templeTuesday AD 30
Authority of Jesus questionedWednesday AD 30
Plot against JesusThursday AD 30
The last supperGethsemane
Friday AD 30
Jesus' trialJesus' crucifixion
The burial of Jesus
Sunday AD 30
Jesus rises from the deadJesus appears to the 10 disciples
The next week AD 30
Jesus appears to 500 peopleAD 30 (40 days after the resurrection)
Jesus ascends to Heaven
Praise the Lord 🙏 very blessed.. 🙌 God bless you